Wanderlust is an international group exhibition inspired by travel, far-away places, adventurous experiences and fascinating destinations. Participating artists were given identical postcards and asked to create a unique piece for the show inspired by the theme “wanderlust”. Travel via boat, plane, foot, and yes, even jellyfish to your favorite destination in this eclectic and imaginative exhibition!
"Creating artwork helps me make sense of the world.
To me drawing is most intuitive and pure as a form of expression. I love that feeling of making the first mark on fresh white paper, and how even the simplest line drawing can connect individual minds, and translate so much emotion.
Whatever medium I am working with, it is my utmost wish to remind people of the beautiful, intricate sensations in life; to seek and find the hidden details usually missed.
Because these little moments of connection are truly precious.
I have a swallow tattooed on my right shoulder, and I guess I’m a bit like them, constantly flitting around, discovering new things about art, food, nature. I’m super fond of dappled morning light, clouds, the smell of freshly ground coffee, soft peony petals and avocado anything." ~Lucy Yu
Currently based in Melbourne, Australia.
Collections: Wanderlust 2
Type: Original Artwork