It pulses, it bows and bends, and with every dark embrace, it almost tears, this membrane – thinnest of all boundaries – between our deepest passions and the mysteries we keep to ourselves.
That's the eternal draw of the otherworldly, the immortal, especially the immortal beloved who is the source of unspeakable and sublime fascination and awe.
Vampires, witches, figures haunting the fringes, living in the periphery. That's how they've been imagined, these otherworldly presences.
Dare we acknowledge them? Do we stand before them face to face?
Look: they approach. We begin to see them clearly.
Are you ready for the dark embrace?
Lara Dann is an American artist who creates paintings that depict fantastical figures in the midst of contrasting themes – such as light and dark, lust and innocence, knowledge and naïveté. Her work is inspired by vintage and antique wallpaper tapestry which is featured in most of her underlying work. 2020 marked the debut of 'Sirens of the Zodiac', Lara Dann's gallery debut solo exhibition at Modern Eden Gallery followed by the 2021 exhibition, 'Dark Embrace'.